If you are a Waterloo Corporation looking for guidance to protect your innovations by patents and/or designs, or are you looking for brand protection through trademark registration, then we can help you cost effectively meet your goals.
We are Canadian registered patent and trade-mark agents serving Waterloo and the surrounding area. We specialize in filing and prosecuting patent and trade-mark applications before the Canadian Patent and Trade-mark Offices.
We have experience before the US Patent and Trademark Office in filing and prosecuting US patent applications and US trademark applications. Our network of associated foreign agents, patent attorneys, patent lawyers, trademark attorneys and trademark lawyers are available to look after your needs abroad.
We perform patent clearance searches for products developed for the United States and Canadian markets.
We are in Mississauga just seconds away from Waterloo by email and we can meet with you through our video or tele conferencing platform.
We work hard to be a proactive firm in front of your needs. We believe that like attracts like.
So if you are of like nature…please take some time to view our web site…