Canadian Patent Agent Exams 2012
The Canadian Patent Agent Exams are very challenging to pass in one or more sittings. The Exams are written once a year, usually in April and comprise four, four hour exams, written in four consecutive days. The first paper requires evaluation of an invention, prior art and the drafting of a complete patent application (all in 4 hours). The other three papers have a major question each relating one of an infringement opinion, a validity opinion and a response to an examiner’s requisition. Each of these last 3 papers also has short answer questions on a many different facets of patent law.
The Patent Agent Exams are conducted to insure that Patent Agents are entered on the register only after having passed a rigorous process and are well qualified in the protection of their IP.
The 2012 exam statistics are posted on the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) at website page address given below*. A “global pass rate” of 11% is what was given in the statistics for the 2012 exam. 231 candidates sat the examination and 17 passed the examination in 2012. The Exam allows for partial passes on each paper passed so that the passed paper carries forward into following years. So not all of these 17 passes represent passing all 4 examinations in a single sitting. 186 people wrote all 4 papers and 163 people failed all 4 papers. 53 passed one paper for a partial pass, 15 passed two papers for a partial pass and no candidates passed 3 papers.
We at Craig Wilson and Company wish to thank the members of the Patent Agent Examining Board for a job well done.
* Click this link for more information on the 2012 Canadian Qualifying Patent Agents Exam statistics.